How Not to Get Sick during the Winter Season
5 daily regiments you can add to your life to prevent yourself from those seasonal sniffles, coughs, and the dreaded common cold!
A Home Waterbirth story...
It was Thursday, September 28, 2017. 12:00am in the morning and I was on my second trial of choosing the right app to track my...
My Top 5 Favorite KC Vegan Spots
Some may already be thinking... There are 5 vegan spots in KC!??? Well, technically, no. BUT, there are 5 vegan-friendly spots in Kansas...
5 Daily Tips to Drink More Water
When our bodies are made up over 60% over H20, it's almost crazy to think why we don't prioritize replenishing this major part of our...
We made a Year on Troost!
I've been thinking about this blog for over a month, and for the life of me as I lay in bed going over what I would write or as I was...
His name was Eli
I like to think I'm a cheerful person, quick to laugh and always ready to smile, but we all have experiences. good and bad, that shape...
Why I Stopped Loving my Body
I was no more than 8 years old, when I heard someone say to me for the first time, "You're fat." I was just a 3rd grader coming home from...
Blessings in Disguise
There's an old Zen story, "Good Luck, Bad Luck." A farmer in China had one horse and one son. The son used the horse to plough the field....
The Real Sugar-Free Challenge
The 3rd sugar-free challenge has come to an end and a part of me feels empty. There's a deep feeling of "what now?" Do I go back to...
#NellaYogaSugarFreeChallenge Halfway Mark! ....Celebration time?
What’s it like halfway through a 30 Day Sugar-Free Challenge? Real easily. Just like it felt on Day 1. If you’re not prepared with meals,...